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Make a pledge

Power in numbers people

We’re putting the future of RAFL in the hands of who it’s intended for, you!

Join us in building a new easy, fun, and trustworthy way to give.

We’ve been developing RAFL, a charitable gaming platform and nonprofit helping to connect communities with donors through games of chance.

Right now, our next phase of development requires your help and a collective effort to turn the RAFL vision (a world full of thriving communities) into reality.

What is a pledge?

A pledge is a donation towards RAFL because we speak to you and your values.

We want to make giving fun, even more rewarding, and more impactful and we’ve set up an easy way for you to make a pledge toward our organization—it’s as simple as entering some information into the form on this page! All donations will go directly toward helping us reach our goals of making this world a better place.

Please help us spread the word by sharing this page with your friends on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Want to know more about RAFL?

Why your pledge matters

The funds we raise will help us create a safe online environment for you to enjoy. We’ll be able to move forward in working with more high-level product managers, engineers, designers, community leaders, and trust & safety experts.

With your support, we can work hard to finish the first release of RAFL and get it out into the world.


Your pledge will help fund:

RAFL's website and platform

We’ve got tons of work to do to complete the RAFL website and platform to allow us to support users, provide fundraising capabilities, and be the home of RAFL.


Your privacy and information security are important to us, so we are prioritizing our safety protocols. We are on track to work with some of the top experts in the charitable gaming world to provide you with a secure platform you can trust.


Securing and maintaining our online platform will require additional funding as we continue to grow and progress.

We refuse to profit from your generosity

We’re building RAFL to make giving more exciting and accessible. All donations will go through our registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, The RAFL Foundation. Being a nonprofit means we’re accountable to you as community members.

While you wait...
Try our Split 50/50 game

We’ve created an easy-to-play game to keep you
occupied while we develop our platform.

We’ve created an easy-to-play game to keep you occupied while we develop our platform.

We make giving fun, even more rewarding, and more impactful.

    Need a fundraiser?

    We make giving fun, even more rewarding, and more impactful.

      Need a fundraiser?